hello family!!!!!!!!
yea i know that it is late in the day but i got the
email to you! haha! today we got together as a zone and went to a house of a
member here to spend the day. his house is huge!!!!!!! it was pretty awesome!
we had a bbq and we played around a lot. and president pinho and his wife came
too so it was pretty awesome!
so this week was pretty awesome, yesterday we
did that activity where alll the elders from the zone (8 groups) came to our
ward to visit everyone! it was pretty great. the members that participated
were pretty impressed to see 16 missionaries all at once! but all went well and
i think that almost everyone got visited. the only thing was that the fireside
afterwards didnt happen because president pinho had to speak at the MTC. but
other than that the visits went really well and now we just need to plann really
well to help them get active again.
but other than that the week was pretty
normal. our area is very hilly and makes it difficult to plan really well
because the houses can be 2 streets away from the others but they are on
opposite sides of the hill... but it is all good and i am getting in pretty good
shape. but the amazing thing is that it looks like i am still the same weight.
so i guess that means that we are being fed good (so you doint have to worry
mom). my companion is awesome! i am learning so much with him! he only has 7
more weeks left on the mission so he knows really well how to work! but i need
to learn as much as i can with him this week because next week he is going to be
transfered. but we are doing really good together. and if all goes as planned
this week we will be able to have 4 baptisms! pray for us that all goes
so it sounds like you all had a pretty great week! thank you for all
the pictures they were great! and good job with the eagle projects dallin and
trevor! finish stong!
i love you all so much! i cant believe how fast the
time is going! i have already been gone for 8 1/2 months! it is crazy! and i
will do my best to get everything figured out for mothers day!
i love
Elder Knudson
Elder Braden Knudson
Sao Paulo, Brazil, Interlagos Mission August 3, 2011-2013
Monday, April 16, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
9 de abril de 2012
hey family!
another week has come and gone and we have 2 more weeks to the transfer.
the time is going by so fast and it is really hard to believe! this week was a
pretty good week! yesterday at church i got to teach gospel principles class by
surprise! yay! luckily it was on baptism so it wasnt that hard or anything!
haha! but the class went really good and it was really neat to see our
investigators progressing and becoming more interested each time that they go to
church! and on turesday we went to the area of the sisters to help them out,
they are openning the area and they have very little investigators, so we went
over there and talked with EVERYONE! and by the end of the day we had almost 20
referals for them and 4 new families to teach. so it went really well
the work here is going really good too, we are working a lot to find new
people and teach a lot. i dont think that we have any thing spectacular planned
this week, but on sunday we are going to have an activity to reactivate everyone
that is less active and then after we are going to have a fireside with the
stake where our mission president will come and talk. it should be really
awesome! but we have divided up everyone for the visits and everything is
almost ready.
easter was good here! it is a little different, instead of little eggs
hidden everywhere they have giant chocolate eggs that they give to each other.
it was good!
so it sounds like everyone is diong good back home! take of the bikes for
when i come home!
so i have been thinking a lot lately about the scriptures and their role in
our lives. it is amazing to think of the work that all the acient prophets put
into writing on metal plate. they didnt know why, they didnt know the affect
that it would have on anyone, but it was a commandment for them and they
faithfully wrote. and almost 2000 years later we have them in our hands. but
what can we take from all of this? the things we do today may not bring
imidiate fruits, but some day, the fruit will ripen and the joy we will have is
undescribable. so when we get discouraged, we should think of the sacrifices we
are making, and WHY we need to make them and i know that we will always be
comforted in our hardships!
i love you all! have a great week!
Elder Knudson
another week has come and gone and we have 2 more weeks to the transfer.
the time is going by so fast and it is really hard to believe! this week was a
pretty good week! yesterday at church i got to teach gospel principles class by
surprise! yay! luckily it was on baptism so it wasnt that hard or anything!
haha! but the class went really good and it was really neat to see our
investigators progressing and becoming more interested each time that they go to
church! and on turesday we went to the area of the sisters to help them out,
they are openning the area and they have very little investigators, so we went
over there and talked with EVERYONE! and by the end of the day we had almost 20
referals for them and 4 new families to teach. so it went really well
the work here is going really good too, we are working a lot to find new
people and teach a lot. i dont think that we have any thing spectacular planned
this week, but on sunday we are going to have an activity to reactivate everyone
that is less active and then after we are going to have a fireside with the
stake where our mission president will come and talk. it should be really
awesome! but we have divided up everyone for the visits and everything is
almost ready.
easter was good here! it is a little different, instead of little eggs
hidden everywhere they have giant chocolate eggs that they give to each other.
it was good!
so it sounds like everyone is diong good back home! take of the bikes for
when i come home!
so i have been thinking a lot lately about the scriptures and their role in
our lives. it is amazing to think of the work that all the acient prophets put
into writing on metal plate. they didnt know why, they didnt know the affect
that it would have on anyone, but it was a commandment for them and they
faithfully wrote. and almost 2000 years later we have them in our hands. but
what can we take from all of this? the things we do today may not bring
imidiate fruits, but some day, the fruit will ripen and the joy we will have is
undescribable. so when we get discouraged, we should think of the sacrifices we
are making, and WHY we need to make them and i know that we will always be
comforted in our hardships!
i love you all! have a great week!
Elder Knudson
2 de abril de 2012
hello everyone!
another week down and lots of lessons learned! conference was amazing! we
got to watch all of the sessions at the stake center here. it was cool to think
that everyone was watching them all at the same time. except the priesthood
session, we watched that one at 6 in the morning on sunday. but i loved all of
the talks! i dont really remember all of my notes are in the house, but it was
pretty amazing! i watched the first session on saturday in portuguese and the
rest were all in english, i understood everything that was said, but it isnt the
same in another language, the real voices are so much more powerful! but what a
wonderful blessing it is to be able to hear the words of the prophet in our own
language! one of the people said that the book of mormon is now in 107
languages! how neat is that! and i felt pretty cool when he said how many
missionaries were serving in the field, 55,410! and i am one of them! pretty
awesome! i cant wait till the talks comeout in the liahona so i can read them
all again! there were a lot of talks that made me think about the investigators
that we are teaching at the moment and i want to read them again so i can help
them better.
so brazil has another thing besides guaraná that is pretty much AWESOME!
it is called açai, it is a fruit that they have here that they make into a
juice and a icecream type of thing. but it is pretty good! we went and ate in
in between conferences on saturday.
this past week president pinho came and interviewed us at our houses! the
house was a pretty good mess when i got there, so we spent some time cleaning
the house to get it ready for president, but it is all clean now and i am
this week is going to be a pretty good week! we are working really hard to
find more people and to help people to baptism! and today we are going to make
tacos for lunch! yum!
i have been missing rootbeer a lot lately, and real hamburgers... but i
will have to continue to make that sacrifice a little bit longer... hahha
always remember to read the book of mormon! it is a GREAT book! i know
that it is true and that it is the word of God. i love you all so much! HAPPY
and happy birthday dallin!
Elder Knudson
another week down and lots of lessons learned! conference was amazing! we
got to watch all of the sessions at the stake center here. it was cool to think
that everyone was watching them all at the same time. except the priesthood
session, we watched that one at 6 in the morning on sunday. but i loved all of
the talks! i dont really remember all of my notes are in the house, but it was
pretty amazing! i watched the first session on saturday in portuguese and the
rest were all in english, i understood everything that was said, but it isnt the
same in another language, the real voices are so much more powerful! but what a
wonderful blessing it is to be able to hear the words of the prophet in our own
language! one of the people said that the book of mormon is now in 107
languages! how neat is that! and i felt pretty cool when he said how many
missionaries were serving in the field, 55,410! and i am one of them! pretty
awesome! i cant wait till the talks comeout in the liahona so i can read them
all again! there were a lot of talks that made me think about the investigators
that we are teaching at the moment and i want to read them again so i can help
them better.
so brazil has another thing besides guaraná that is pretty much AWESOME!
it is called açai, it is a fruit that they have here that they make into a
juice and a icecream type of thing. but it is pretty good! we went and ate in
in between conferences on saturday.
this past week president pinho came and interviewed us at our houses! the
house was a pretty good mess when i got there, so we spent some time cleaning
the house to get it ready for president, but it is all clean now and i am
this week is going to be a pretty good week! we are working really hard to
find more people and to help people to baptism! and today we are going to make
tacos for lunch! yum!
i have been missing rootbeer a lot lately, and real hamburgers... but i
will have to continue to make that sacrifice a little bit longer... hahha
always remember to read the book of mormon! it is a GREAT book! i know
that it is true and that it is the word of God. i love you all so much! HAPPY
and happy birthday dallin!
Elder Knudson
Monday, March 26, 2012
26 de março de 2012
hello again!
this week has been pretty good and pretty busy! so last week i got
transfered from my old area in Jardim Campinas to Vista Alegre, the stake is
Embu. this is a pretty cool area but it is pretty much only hills... i thought
my other area was a lot, but it is nothing compared to here! but it is all good,
ill just get into really good shape! my new companion is Elder Lemes, he is a
really good missionary and he only has 2 months till he goes home! ha! but he is
still really focussed and we will work really well together! this week we marked
4 people for baptism, Lucas, Leninha, Jilvalda, and José Jackson. our ward meets
in the stake center and it is HUGE!!!!!!!! i guess they finished renewing the
building in december or january, so it is all brand new! but the members are
still getting used to the move of locations and the attendance is suffering a
little, but we'll work on that!
i am learning a lot in the scriptures and every time i read them i learn
something new! i am in alma 12 in portuguese now and it is awesome! alma 11
shows us what we can do when we are guided by the holy ghost! amuleque is a
great example, and the companionship of alma and amuleque is an example for
everyone! keep reading and you WILL see the difference in your life!
so i cant believe that you bought motorcycles!!!!!!!!! i feel like that
elder in the best 2 years that freaks out when he reads that his family bought a
boat. haha! but make sure you keep them all nice for me so i can have some fun
too when i get back!
so it sounds like dallins eagle project is coming along great! send me a
foto of the final product! hows trevors eagle project going? his bday is coming
up soon!
so how is seminary going? you know i kinda miss seminary... yeah i know
i love you all so much! i know that this is the place i am supposed to be
and i wouldnt change that for anything! it is such a blessing to be able to
teach so many peole about the restoration of the gospel! if you dont have a
strong testimony about Joseph Smith or if you have any doubt, pray and ask! i
know with all of my heart that God will answer your prayer! he live and he loves
us! and he listens and answers all of our prayers!
Elder Knudson
We were able to catch elder knudson
before he got off today and ask him a few questions with our emails going back
and forth! Alway a great day when that happens,
we miss our elder so much!! Here are the
emails below.
Elder:so how are things back home? did
you ride the motorcycles yet?Rebecca:Yes the kids went out for a quick ride
before it got dark saturday with dad, I stayed home.
Elder: haha! i want to ride! my
mode of transportation here is my 2 feet! it is good but sometimes it is
Rebecca: Where is your new comp from?Elder: i think he is
from Rio Grande do Sul, but i forgot at the moment, yeah, Rio Grande do Sul.
Rebecca: Oh so another native Brazilian, I bet that is good
for your language skills!
Elder: yup! it is good! it is cool because i dont really have
too many problems with portuguese now!
Rebecca: Do you have a new address? How close are you to the
temple in SP. I want your address so I can google where you are on google
Elder: my area is pretty close to the temple! i think 30 min
on the bus if the trafic is good. i dont remember the adress, but i think you
will be able to find Embu Das Artes, it is a really touristy area here, but it
isnt my area there, my area is Vista Alegre. no the adress it to the mission
office, so it wont change, but the adress to the house is obviously different.
ill get it for you for next week and you can look it up on google maps ok.
Rebecca: Make a new video journal with this comp so we can
see how well you speak in portegueese.
Elder: ill be sure we make a video. i keep wanting to write
in portuguese! haha!
Rebecca: We were wondering if it was getting hard for you to
write in english. I bet it is hard to talk in english now!
Elder: the little words like here and other little things
always come out in portuguese, but i have to fucus when i am
writingRebecca: We are hoping you can skype with us on mother day! is that
Elder: i would like to skype next time, so i will do my best
to get it all figured out! ok macie, como você está?
Rebecca: Macie and Daniel: We love you so much and miss you!
Have a great day!
Elder:gtg, i love you
this week has been pretty good and pretty busy! so last week i got
transfered from my old area in Jardim Campinas to Vista Alegre, the stake is
Embu. this is a pretty cool area but it is pretty much only hills... i thought
my other area was a lot, but it is nothing compared to here! but it is all good,
ill just get into really good shape! my new companion is Elder Lemes, he is a
really good missionary and he only has 2 months till he goes home! ha! but he is
still really focussed and we will work really well together! this week we marked
4 people for baptism, Lucas, Leninha, Jilvalda, and José Jackson. our ward meets
in the stake center and it is HUGE!!!!!!!! i guess they finished renewing the
building in december or january, so it is all brand new! but the members are
still getting used to the move of locations and the attendance is suffering a
little, but we'll work on that!
i am learning a lot in the scriptures and every time i read them i learn
something new! i am in alma 12 in portuguese now and it is awesome! alma 11
shows us what we can do when we are guided by the holy ghost! amuleque is a
great example, and the companionship of alma and amuleque is an example for
everyone! keep reading and you WILL see the difference in your life!
so i cant believe that you bought motorcycles!!!!!!!!! i feel like that
elder in the best 2 years that freaks out when he reads that his family bought a
boat. haha! but make sure you keep them all nice for me so i can have some fun
too when i get back!
so it sounds like dallins eagle project is coming along great! send me a
foto of the final product! hows trevors eagle project going? his bday is coming
up soon!
so how is seminary going? you know i kinda miss seminary... yeah i know
i love you all so much! i know that this is the place i am supposed to be
and i wouldnt change that for anything! it is such a blessing to be able to
teach so many peole about the restoration of the gospel! if you dont have a
strong testimony about Joseph Smith or if you have any doubt, pray and ask! i
know with all of my heart that God will answer your prayer! he live and he loves
us! and he listens and answers all of our prayers!
Elder Knudson
We were able to catch elder knudson
before he got off today and ask him a few questions with our emails going back
and forth! Alway a great day when that happens,
we miss our elder so much!! Here are the
emails below.
Elder:so how are things back home? did
you ride the motorcycles yet?Rebecca:Yes the kids went out for a quick ride
before it got dark saturday with dad, I stayed home.
Elder: haha! i want to ride! my
mode of transportation here is my 2 feet! it is good but sometimes it is
Rebecca: Where is your new comp from?Elder: i think he is
from Rio Grande do Sul, but i forgot at the moment, yeah, Rio Grande do Sul.
Rebecca: Oh so another native Brazilian, I bet that is good
for your language skills!
Elder: yup! it is good! it is cool because i dont really have
too many problems with portuguese now!
Rebecca: Do you have a new address? How close are you to the
temple in SP. I want your address so I can google where you are on google
Elder: my area is pretty close to the temple! i think 30 min
on the bus if the trafic is good. i dont remember the adress, but i think you
will be able to find Embu Das Artes, it is a really touristy area here, but it
isnt my area there, my area is Vista Alegre. no the adress it to the mission
office, so it wont change, but the adress to the house is obviously different.
ill get it for you for next week and you can look it up on google maps ok.
Rebecca: Make a new video journal with this comp so we can
see how well you speak in portegueese.
Elder: ill be sure we make a video. i keep wanting to write
in portuguese! haha!
Rebecca: We were wondering if it was getting hard for you to
write in english. I bet it is hard to talk in english now!
Elder: the little words like here and other little things
always come out in portuguese, but i have to fucus when i am
writingRebecca: We are hoping you can skype with us on mother day! is that
Elder: i would like to skype next time, so i will do my best
to get it all figured out! ok macie, como você está?
Rebecca: Macie and Daniel: We love you so much and miss you!
Have a great day!
Elder:gtg, i love you
Monday, March 19, 2012
19 de março 2012: TRANSFERS

hey familly
well i was transfered. i dont really know what to think about it
yet. im pretty excited but at the same time VERY nervous. i am going to miss
so many people here... saying goodbye is so hard. but i really will take all
of them with me in my heart. tonight we will have a little Familly night thing
so i can say bye to everyone and take pictures. the member that is sending
the pictures is Renato. he is pretty much awesome! he served a mission around
the same time as dad, back when it was memorized lessons. but he helps us out
so much in the work and last monday he took us to an indian reserve, it is like
litterally the lamanite village! it is so cool! but they are pretty modern
too, one of them had satalite tv! but it was really cool to go see! so the
pizza here is pretty good! and it is pretty much a missionary tradition and he
carried it over from the mission to his family too!for the transfers
everyone goes to the chapel by the mission office that is being transfered and
president tells you who will be your new companion and which area, so i dont
know where i will go yet... but it will be all good! i am excited to work in a
new area and meet new people, i think i am finally starting to figure out my
style of working and teaching.no, they dont celebrate st patricks day here.
it came and went and i didnt even know... ha! but oh well, everyday is the same
anyway so i dont know what difference it would make. but i'll get back into all
the holidays in another year and 4 months (roughly).so this week was pretty
cool, we worked really hard and we taught a lot of people! but the highlight of
the week was yesterday! we were walking up a road and we saw Gustavo (the kid i
baptized) and Italo (other YM in the ward) visiting the other young men in the
ward! and they were doing it without any leader being with them or even asking
them to do it! and they said that they were going to do it every
sunday!!!!!!!! i almost cried! it was so cool to see!so it sounds like
dallins project is going good! keep it up and hopefully it doesnt rain too much
for you! i cant believe that in 2 weeks i will have been on the mission for
8 months... it is going by so fast! soon it will be a year! the work is
amazing! the people are amazing! and i cant believe the love that i have
developed for the people here. the hardest thing that we see is when someone
tells us that they dont want anything to do with God... it is hard to see people
lost in the ways of the world and not be able to do anything about it because of
their agency. but i am learning so much! the scriptures are amazing! i am in
alma 10 in portuguese! it is so cool to be able to understand another
language! the church is true! i have NO doubt! stay strong and always
remember who you are and what you stand for!!i love you
all!loveElder Knudson
yet. im pretty excited but at the same time VERY nervous. i am going to miss
so many people here... saying goodbye is so hard. but i really will take all
of them with me in my heart. tonight we will have a little Familly night thing
so i can say bye to everyone and take pictures. the member that is sending
the pictures is Renato. he is pretty much awesome! he served a mission around
the same time as dad, back when it was memorized lessons. but he helps us out
so much in the work and last monday he took us to an indian reserve, it is like
litterally the lamanite village! it is so cool! but they are pretty modern
too, one of them had satalite tv! but it was really cool to go see! so the
pizza here is pretty good! and it is pretty much a missionary tradition and he
carried it over from the mission to his family too!for the transfers
everyone goes to the chapel by the mission office that is being transfered and
president tells you who will be your new companion and which area, so i dont
know where i will go yet... but it will be all good! i am excited to work in a
new area and meet new people, i think i am finally starting to figure out my
style of working and teaching.no, they dont celebrate st patricks day here.
it came and went and i didnt even know... ha! but oh well, everyday is the same
anyway so i dont know what difference it would make. but i'll get back into all
the holidays in another year and 4 months (roughly).so this week was pretty
cool, we worked really hard and we taught a lot of people! but the highlight of
the week was yesterday! we were walking up a road and we saw Gustavo (the kid i
baptized) and Italo (other YM in the ward) visiting the other young men in the
ward! and they were doing it without any leader being with them or even asking
them to do it! and they said that they were going to do it every
sunday!!!!!!!! i almost cried! it was so cool to see!so it sounds like
dallins project is going good! keep it up and hopefully it doesnt rain too much
for you! i cant believe that in 2 weeks i will have been on the mission for
8 months... it is going by so fast! soon it will be a year! the work is
amazing! the people are amazing! and i cant believe the love that i have
developed for the people here. the hardest thing that we see is when someone
tells us that they dont want anything to do with God... it is hard to see people
lost in the ways of the world and not be able to do anything about it because of
their agency. but i am learning so much! the scriptures are amazing! i am in
alma 10 in portuguese! it is so cool to be able to understand another
language! the church is true! i have NO doubt! stay strong and always
remember who you are and what you stand for!!i love you
all!loveElder Knudson
Monday, March 12, 2012
12 de março de 2012
hey fam!!another week FLEW by! i feel like i was just here writing you!
but so much has happened this last week. so this is my last week in this area,
on the 20th i should be transfered from here. but this last week was pretty
good, but very difficult. so on tuesdays we do a ward family night at the
chapel and it has been going really good! this last week we watched a movie
called 17 miracles. it is AMAZING! if you havent watched it yet, watch it!
and keep the tissues ready! it is a story about he martin handcart company and
all of the stuff that they went through. on wednesday we had a meeting with an
area 70, Elder Carlos Godoy. he is funny! he was baptized when he was 16 years
old and was taught by the sister missionaries. but the miracle was that we
showed up ON TIME!! we left the house at 600 and we got there at 830. it was
the first time that we didnt have complications on the journey. but the meeting
was very spiritual and really neat! one of our baptisms fell through but we
did have one! his name is eduardo and is 11, he is really excited about the
church and said that he wants to serve a mission! and after i confirmed him a
member of the church, he gave everyone that was seated on the pulpit a hug! it
was pretty cool! hopefully he can help reactivate some of his family
members.this week was SUPER hot here in São Paulo! but then on saturday it
decided to rain, it seemed more like a hurricane with all the wind and the DOWN
POOR of rain! but it was cool! we also had a bolt of lighting strick like 30
feet away from us! it was pretty much awesome! i have never heard anything so
loud before! but it was cool!yes we do have daylight savings here, but we
moved back an hour! so it was really nice for us! so that means that we are
only 4 hours apart now instead of 6 hours.oh, so last night we were teaching
some of our investigators, a couple that lives together but isnt married (one of
the most normal things here), but ozvaldo had an awesome question! he was
confused why he needed to be baptized and recieve the Holy Ghost when he was
already feel the guidance of the spirit. he didnt see what difference it would
make. and with much help from the Holy Ghost i was able to explain about the
Light of Christ and the differences there are between the 2. and how the light
of Christ is preparatory for the holy ghost. it was super spiritual and super
neat!i love you all so much!have a great weekloveElder
but so much has happened this last week. so this is my last week in this area,
on the 20th i should be transfered from here. but this last week was pretty
good, but very difficult. so on tuesdays we do a ward family night at the
chapel and it has been going really good! this last week we watched a movie
called 17 miracles. it is AMAZING! if you havent watched it yet, watch it!
and keep the tissues ready! it is a story about he martin handcart company and
all of the stuff that they went through. on wednesday we had a meeting with an
area 70, Elder Carlos Godoy. he is funny! he was baptized when he was 16 years
old and was taught by the sister missionaries. but the miracle was that we
showed up ON TIME!! we left the house at 600 and we got there at 830. it was
the first time that we didnt have complications on the journey. but the meeting
was very spiritual and really neat! one of our baptisms fell through but we
did have one! his name is eduardo and is 11, he is really excited about the
church and said that he wants to serve a mission! and after i confirmed him a
member of the church, he gave everyone that was seated on the pulpit a hug! it
was pretty cool! hopefully he can help reactivate some of his family
members.this week was SUPER hot here in São Paulo! but then on saturday it
decided to rain, it seemed more like a hurricane with all the wind and the DOWN
POOR of rain! but it was cool! we also had a bolt of lighting strick like 30
feet away from us! it was pretty much awesome! i have never heard anything so
loud before! but it was cool!yes we do have daylight savings here, but we
moved back an hour! so it was really nice for us! so that means that we are
only 4 hours apart now instead of 6 hours.oh, so last night we were teaching
some of our investigators, a couple that lives together but isnt married (one of
the most normal things here), but ozvaldo had an awesome question! he was
confused why he needed to be baptized and recieve the Holy Ghost when he was
already feel the guidance of the spirit. he didnt see what difference it would
make. and with much help from the Holy Ghost i was able to explain about the
Light of Christ and the differences there are between the 2. and how the light
of Christ is preparatory for the holy ghost. it was super spiritual and super
neat!i love you all so much!have a great weekloveElder
5 de
hello FAM!this week was SO amazing! the last 3 weeks before this one were
SO hard! truely the lord was testing us! but this week we met almost all of
our goals! it was amazing! and, saturday marked 7 months on the mission! i
cant believe it! it is going by so fast!so i dont know where to start... so
this saturday on the 10 we will have 2 baptisms! we are pretty excited and all
of the elders in the zone will baptize together! it is going to be a giant
baptismal service! so last week started out really hard. but we kept going
and on wed we taught 6 lessons and then on thursday we taught 9 lessons! it was
great! we worked really hard this week and you could tell because every night
we arrived at home and planned for the next day we pretty hit the bed already
asleep! but we also found 12 new investigators this week! this really was a
week of miracles! also! i am seeing that the members here in the ward really
like us! on wed night we had a member that bought pizza for us, and on thurs
night we had pizza again, then on fri night we had a churrasco! brazilian bbq
is REALLY good! but the work goes a lot easier when the members help! and we
are always with filled bellies! on wednesday we have a meeting with a area
70, elder godoy i think, but it will be awesome! it is so cool to be taught
right from the leaders of the church! so this week i finished mosiah in
portuguese! i was pretty excited! mosiah has so many amazing lessons for us to
learn! and i am already learning a ton from alma! the scriptures really come
alive for us when we truely study! and the examples that we have are absolutely
amazing! so it sounds like everyone bck home is so busy! i miss all of the
kids in the school! tell everyone that i said hi! and i am working on the
pictures still, but dont worry, they will be there sooner than you think!so
i will be here in this area for 2 more weeks then it is on to the next area! i
dont want to leave this area bt i think i am ready for a change of scenary. but
i will definately miss everyone here! i love you all! tell everyone that
they are free to write me letters whenever they want!love Elder
SO hard! truely the lord was testing us! but this week we met almost all of
our goals! it was amazing! and, saturday marked 7 months on the mission! i
cant believe it! it is going by so fast!so i dont know where to start... so
this saturday on the 10 we will have 2 baptisms! we are pretty excited and all
of the elders in the zone will baptize together! it is going to be a giant
baptismal service! so last week started out really hard. but we kept going
and on wed we taught 6 lessons and then on thursday we taught 9 lessons! it was
great! we worked really hard this week and you could tell because every night
we arrived at home and planned for the next day we pretty hit the bed already
asleep! but we also found 12 new investigators this week! this really was a
week of miracles! also! i am seeing that the members here in the ward really
like us! on wed night we had a member that bought pizza for us, and on thurs
night we had pizza again, then on fri night we had a churrasco! brazilian bbq
is REALLY good! but the work goes a lot easier when the members help! and we
are always with filled bellies! on wednesday we have a meeting with a area
70, elder godoy i think, but it will be awesome! it is so cool to be taught
right from the leaders of the church! so this week i finished mosiah in
portuguese! i was pretty excited! mosiah has so many amazing lessons for us to
learn! and i am already learning a ton from alma! the scriptures really come
alive for us when we truely study! and the examples that we have are absolutely
amazing! so it sounds like everyone bck home is so busy! i miss all of the
kids in the school! tell everyone that i said hi! and i am working on the
pictures still, but dont worry, they will be there sooner than you think!so
i will be here in this area for 2 more weeks then it is on to the next area! i
dont want to leave this area bt i think i am ready for a change of scenary. but
i will definately miss everyone here! i love you all! tell everyone that
they are free to write me letters whenever they want!love Elder
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