hey family!
so the pictures and stuff got there super fast!!!!!! i sent them like 2 weeks ago i think. this week was a pretty cool week, but very wet... the rainy season has arrived! so we have an investigator named Gustavo, he is so amazing! we found him knocking doors and we have visited him 3 times and he told us that he knows that the church is true! he went to church with us on sunday and he absolutely loved it! he is preparing to be baptised on the 11th on feb! the cool thing about all of this is that we had a fast 2 days before we found him! my testimony is growing every day! the lord is just waiting to give us the blessings that we need, but he is just waiting for us to act! as it says in james 2, faith without works is dead! we have to show our faith by our works and then then little things that we do turn into great miracles!
so the pizza here is pretty amazing! but it is a little different too. they normally dont have pizza sauce but they make up for it with the stuff they put on it. and yes, normally i eat pepporoni or muzzarella with bacon. and the coolest part of the pizza is that they do chocolate stuffed crust!! it sounds weird but it is so good!!!!!! the food here really isn~t that different, normally rice and beans and meat and pasta. but i eat tomatoes and cucumbers and other stuff like that pretty regularly, and i am liking them so that is good!
i am glad that trevor liked the shirt, when i saw it i knew that that was what i needed to get him. and a lot of the pictures that i took of the city are from the training center, it is like a 5th story window, it was pretty cool! i will work on getting some pictures of the area and stuff like that, it is a little harder because we have to avoid looking like a tourist here.
i am pretty sure that i will be in this area for one more transfer after this one, we talk to president and he said that he'd make it happen. so i will be in this area for 6 months! i cant believe that 6 months have already come and gone! the time is FLYING! i am really starting to get comfortable speaking portuguese now! i am working on knocking down all of the mental barriers that i have had that were holding me back.
i can feel my testimony growing so much every day! but the thing that has help so much is the foundation that i got in seminary. seminary is there to get us through high school in one piece and to give us the spiritual foundation to build on for the rest of our lives, and using a scripture mastery, Helaman 5:12 build your foundation on the rock of our redeemer. seminary gave me a firm foundation that i build on every day! when we get used to looking for "missionary moments" every day in our everyday lives, the spiritual experiences that we have on the mission open our eyes to the wonders of the gospel and the blessings that are available in the eternities!
i love you all!
have a great week!
Elder Knudson
2 Nefi 27:23
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