ola família!
this week went by really fast! on monday and tuesday my companion got sick with the flu and because he has asthma he could hardly breath too so he was in no condition to work, so i got to read and rest a lot. on wed we worked normal and then on thursday i woke up sick... but i have been taking medicine and i am able to work through it. but right now i have like no voice so it is pretty funny! it is really hard in the heat here, this week has been really really hot, and when you have a big lunch it is hard to stay awake! but it is all good because this week we had the baptism of GUSTAVO! it was absolutely amazing! elder petersen baptized him and i got to confirm him a member! and yesterday he got up to bear his TESTIMONY!!!!!!!!!!! it was so amazing and very strong, everyone in the ward said they could feel the strength of his testimony! the cool thing is that we found him knock doors EXACTLY one month before his baptism! he is truely living proof that if we put the lords works to the test, he truely will keep his promises! and gustavo found that out because everything that we asked him to do he did and he got an answer REALLY fast! the church is true! and when we have a testimony of the gospel and the plan of salvation we have hope for the future that seems so scary without the answers that we have with the gospel.
on friday, elder petersen and i hit the 6 month mark! we burned a tie to celebrate! and today we went to a restaraunt to eat too, it was good and i felt like i was back in the US. i cant believe that i have already gone through 1/4 of my mission... it is going by SO fast!
so we had transfers this week, and i ALMOST got transfered! when we had interviews with pres we talked to him about me staying here in the ward for one more transfer and he said i could. but yesterday i got a call and he said that i was transfered so i asked about what president said and he (the secretary) said he'd look into it. but he said that i should plan like i was transfered. so i began to tell everyone i was leaving. then at about 6 or 7 i got a call saying that i wasnt tranfered! yay! so i get to stay 6 more weeks here! and with that i will be here 6 months! wow how the time flies!
well i think thats all. i love you all so much!
Elder Knudson
Good job Elder Knudson!