hello again!
this week was a pretty awesome week!!!!!!!!!!! i don~t know where to start! ok well on tuesday guess who we got to meet! Elder M. Russel BALLARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was SO amazing! but the journey there was pretty much a nightmare! we were headed there and the power on the train went out... so we had to try and find a bus to the chapel and it wasnt easy. we wound up getting lost in the middle of São Paulo! and we got to the meeting late, BUT we were right on time for Elder Ballards talk! so all in all it was a pretty good day! so now, update on our Golden Investigator Gustavo. we taught him again this past week and we moved his baptismal date up one week, so now he will be baptized on saturday the 4th! but the coolest part was that at the end of the lesson he made a comment on how he is greatful that there are people like us to help others learn about the truth and we said that he could serve a mission too. and then he said that he was already planning on that!!!!!!!! when we left the house we felt like we were flying!!!
the keyboard i am using is really hard to type with... so sorry if there are a bunch of errors.
so the 6 month mark is aproaching quickly! i cant believe that it has already been 6 months since i left home! and it feels weird that i have been in this area for 4 1/2 months too! but this is a great area and we are working really hard to help the ward get back its foundation. the word has finally gotten out that our ward is in critical situation, on sunday we had the stake president, one of his counselors and 4 members of the high counsel! so there is action going on here! i am hoping that we can get everything back running smoothly again and that we can get the frequency back up to 200 again! lots of work to do!
so mom is going to see the price is right tomorrow? that is pretty cool! let me know if you win anything! that is pretty exciting! are you going to wear a really bright shirt so everyone can see you on the tv? but i have to admit, i think meeting one of the 12 apostles takes the cake! hehe! but be sure to tell me all about it!
it is finally sunny again! it has been a week since i have seen the sun! it rains SO much here! it is incredible! but i like it, but i think i will need to buy a bigger umbrella soon! hehe! my little walmart one isnt cutting it sometimes. a lot of the time it only covers my head and shoulders! the rain is nice though.
well i think that that is all for this week. i love you all! and keep reading the scriptures!
Elder Knudson
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